Featured Listing (Monthly Plan)

This listing type is perfect for those who want to set themselves apart from the competition. Featured Listings will be highlighted and will appear at the top of search results.

$4.95 / month

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Featured Listing – $4.95 Per Month

A Featured Listing is designed to help you promote your investigation business to potential clients around the world, especially in markets where there is increased competition. With this listing type, you can create a profile for your business that includes:

  • Create a personal profile with a photo, bio, and links to your social media profiles
  • Create and manage your own listing
  • Manage your own login credentials
  • Unlimited space to describe your products and services, areas of expertise, affiliations, and licensing details
  • Easily add your contact information, telephone numbers, links to your website, business hours, etc.
  • Create a gallery of images to promote your business, work, and employees
  • Accept reviews and ratings from clients to help build your online reputation
  • The listing will appear at the top of search results and is marked with a “Featured” label
  • We will announce your listing on our social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and Google

This listing will renew each month for just $4.95. If you prefer to pay annually, please select the Featured Listing (Annual Plan).

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