Claim a Listing

This option is for members of the original Private Investigator Directory.

Claim your listing for less than the cost of a cup of coffee and market your company to potential clients around the world.

$1.95 / month



This option is designed for members who have a listing in the original Private Investigator Directory.

A listing in our new directory will help you market your business to potential clients around the world. With this listing type, you can:

  • Create a personal profile with a photo, bio, and links to your social media profiles
  • Create and manage your own listing
  • Manage your own login credentials
  • Describe your business with unlimited space for a full description of your products and services, areas of expertise, affiliations, and licensing details
  • Easily add your contact information, telephone numbers, links to your website, etc.
  • Create a gallery of images to promote your business, work, and employees
  • Accept reviews and ratings from clients to help build your online reputation
  • Your listing will appear at the top of the search results
  • Your listing will be marked with a Featured Listing badge in search results
  • Your listing will be marked with a “Verified” badge

The listing will automatically renew every month for just $1.95, which is a substantial discount off the normal monthly subscription package.