The Directory of Investigation Professionals has two different pricing plans for about the same cost as a cup of coffee.

Monthly Subscription Plans

The Standard Plan (Monthly) is available for $2.95 per month, and the Featured Plan (Monthly) is available for $4.95 per month.

Yearly Subscription Plans

Yearly or annual pricing plans are available at more than a 40% discount compared to the monthly rate. The Standard Plan (Annual) is available for $16.95 per year, and the Featured Plan (Annual) is available for $24.95 per year.

The table below summarizes the features associated with each plan:

Standard ListingFeatured Listing
Choose a Monthly Plan$2.95 per month$4.95 per month
Choose an Annual Plan$16.95 per year$24.95 per year
Business contact information, phone, email, web, social and physical address.XX
Full description of your business, services offered, areas served, affiliations, and more.XX
Accept reviews from clients to help build credibility and demonstrate your abilities.XX
Upload photos of yourself, your team, your place of business, your work, etc.XX
Your listing will be manually verified, and a “Verified Listing” will be added to your profile.XX
We’ll add an announcement on our social media sites with a link to your listing.X
Your listing will be highlighted to make it stand out and display a “Featured Icon.”X